Event Reports

Event Reports


Bit of an imbalance in Ginza


11 men 19 women

5 couples

Another slightly imbalanced party in Ginza tonight. We could have done with a few more guys coming along.

A bit surprisingly, less than half of the men made matches (albeit just under half), despite so many women. Maybe there were just too many women to choose from. You never know.

Our next event is on a national holiday (23rd) and so is likely to be quite big. We always have plenty of new faces coming.


Low on men in Ginza


14 men 24 women

8 couples

Not a great balance tonight in Ginza, as we were quite low on men.

As usual (and perhaps unsurprisingly with so many women) most of the men made matches and left with a date.

As there were so many women, it meant that the first party of the event was in true speed dating fashion, with only about 1 minute for the guys to introduce themselves to each girl. This is partly because we were delayed a bit during reception by some slightly crazy people from the previous party.

Let's try to get a slightly better balance as it gets closer to Christmas guys.
As I'm sure you know, Christmas is a time for dating and romance here in Japan.


A great night in Ginza


15 men 18 women

8 couples

It was a great party tonight in Ginza. The balance was good and the numbers were about right. There were plenty of people, but not too many (each conversation becomes pretty quick when there's too many people).

Just over half of our men made matches, and it should actually have been one more, were it not for a mistake in the coupling (unusual and unforgivable!).

We're in Shinjuku next week for our first event of December.


Nice night in Ginza


11 men 18 women

7 couples

Tonight's Ginza Event was good fun. The atmosphere was very lively with smiles and laughter. Everyone enjoyed chatting with each other.

There were a few more women than men though. The lovely women are all looking forward to meeting guys from abroad, so be sure to come down the next party! All in all, it was a nice turnout and 7 matches were made.


Good turnout in Ginza


20 men 22 women

8 couples

We had a big turnout tonight at Ginza with 20 men and 22 women. Although it meant less time to chat with everyone, the gentlemen did a good job of moving quickly. This helped to keep things on schedule, and everyone was able to talk to everyone!

There were 8 matches made, which is a little lower than usual. Still not bad though!


A Nice Time in Ginza


6 men 9 women

2 couples

A small party tonight in Ginza, since tomorrow we have our Halloween event. Loads of people singed up so it should be a cracker. Adversely affected the numbers for tonight's party though unsurprisingly.

Although only a few made couples from today’s event, the men and women who attended were all very lovely indeed.

Of course, the ladies are looking forward to chatting with you guys, so be sure to make it to the next event!


Fun Night in Ginza


7 men 11 women

3 couples

It was a lovely time at the Ginza event despite the smaller than usual turnout. There were a few more women than men at today’s event, but almost half of our men made couples.

The atmosphere was relaxing. Everyone could chat and get to know each other at a leisurely pace. Why not come an event and see if you can find your right match?


Good Balance in Ginza


9 men 9 women

5 couples

We had a nice even number today at Ginza, making it a very good event. Over half of the guests made matches. Many ladies were very talkative and out-going, so there was a very lively atmosphere.

Overall it was very successful and everyone had a great time!

You should definitely sign up for the next one!


Perfect balance in Ginza


14 men 14 women

6 couples

A few women cancelled last night in Ginza, meaning we ended up with a perfect balance.

In fact, a few extra guys had signed up, and so for the first 20 minutes of the party, we had one extra man, but one of the women turned up... better late than never.

We made 6 couples, which is of course just under half. A few of our regulars made couples which I was pleased to see. It really is true that everyone makes a couple sooner or later.

We're in Shinjuku and Osaka next week, and as usual are beginning to fill up with women already.


Loads of ladies in Ginza


19 men, 29 women

7 couples

Had a couple of women not cancelled on the evening of the event, we would have had more than 30 women attending. It's probably a good thing that they did cancel, as with 29 women to talk to, the first half of the party was very quick indeed, with only a minute for each conversation!

All the men were very good, and moved quickly, although I often had to tap people on the shoulder!

We managed to stick roughly to schedule, although had nowhere near enough time to do impression cards.

Anyway, thanks to those of you who came, hope it wasn't too hectic! We made a good number of couples though, and most guys certainly seemed to enjoy themselves.

We're in Ginza again next week (30th of September), so please sign yourselves up soon guys!